What an awesome blessing to have you logged on today! Please be mindful that God has facilitated within us, at the point of creation, a grace that crowns each of us, including you, as GREAT. It is from this precedent that we at Sanctuary Empowerment Centre encourage you to be the driver of your destiny (under God), while at the same time allowing the Word of God to be your compass. Be further encouraged that there is a vacancy in the earth to be filled, an assignment to be engaged that only the Kingdom of God in you can make happen. God is therefore, depending on all of us to be instrumental in advancing His cause of Kingdom-building in our specific spheres and societies where we dwell and call home.
It is with great pleasure that we extend to you our friendship and invite you to join us in advancing God’s Kingdom in the earth.
Dr. Marlon and Rev. Suzette Husbands